Cell phone laws are about to change for truckers. What does that mean to you?

Cell phone laws are about to change for truckers. What does that mean to you?

Melissa Carbonell-High End TransportOh how we all love our “Status Updates!” What will we do without them? Unfortunately, we may soon find out. The Department of Transportation is close to implementing large fines for drivers who use hand-held devices.
The fines for individual drivers and carriers could be as high as $11,000 and for multiple offenses the driver could lose his CDL (Commercial Drivers License). Now obviously SAFETY FIRST but we still have to be practical because at the end of every delivery there is a sale. That customer service of being able to update dealers and customers on delivery is critical to making that sale. The drivers will be able to use hands free technology and should be able to communicate with us directly. They will not however have every pick-up and delivery persons numbers saved so calling for directions when they are in the area will be tricky. We will change some of our process to incorporate more detailed pick-up and delivery information.
We are still about 45 days away from a decision from the FMSCA but its’ safe to assume things will change. We will continue to provide status updates to our dealers and customers. Our commitment to you is that these changes will only be positive, you will be safer on the roads and so will your customers and you will continue to receive the same fantastic service!
Melissa Carbonell, Manager
High End Transport, Inc

